Sunday, February 24, 2013

Red &Yellow Ochre wash on Panel #5 of Nauka Charitam

With exams looming around..there is a significant drop in attendance of school -going students -from the studio..but for the brave-hearts like Arjun and Aadish .
The team consisted of Arjun,Reena Koormanthara,Dina Kumari Teacher, Shajna besides Mohandas In the morning, Arjun erased the traces of pencil drawing from the panel..leaving the red-ochre outline..Sasi Edavarad completed the Red-ochre outline of the panel..then the panel is taken over by Dina Kumari Teacher and Shajna who gave yellow and Red Ochre the meantime..more progress was also made on Dwarapala #2 by Reena


Thursday, February 21, 2013

More progress on Dwarapala#2-Panel#8

The third community-based mural installation project of Dhyanasankalpam- depicting scenes from Saint Tyagaraja's 'Nauka Charitam' spanning an area of  250sq ft in size- on the walls of Krishna Temple,Mankave Palace,Calicut.
Once completed,this project will mark the 'return of the narrative and epic-story-telling ' in present -day mural painting.

Once completed, Dhyanasankalpam would undoubtedly be the first and only 'independent'- 'not-for-profit'- initiative -to commission 250sq ft of murals- rivalling those at the Duch Palace,Mattanchery and elsewhere in Kerala.It will also put Calicut on the world map as the beckoning centre for Kerala murals in North Malabar.
Mrs Durga Prabhakar- visited the Krishna temple while work was in progress-today-the second day of 'Dwi-dina All India Hartal' ..