Monday, March 22, 2010

The Handsome Lotus Plucker from Sittanavasal Cave Temple

The rock-cut Jain temple of Sittannavasal (7th CAD-9th CAD) in Tamil Nadu has an arthamandapa ,porch, whose ceiling is covered with mural paintings to 'emphasise the beauty of nature.Floral creepers,,lotuses,birds,swans,a rare human face and arabasques-painted in delicate lyrical lines by the artists,- constitute the harmonious whole that is nature'(See,Meera Seth-Indian Painting-the great mural tradition' ,Mapin,2006).
Sasi Edavarad in the year 2007 has re-created the delicate ,sensitive and lyrical magic of the handsome lotus plucker from Sittanavasal cave temple in this acrylic painting on a 2x3 feet canvas. This canvas is now part of the inventory of 'Dhyanasankalpam' - an open studio for murals, at Mankave,Calicut.