Sunday, June 20, 2010

Update on last month's activities

Summer gave way to Monsoon rains:
The pond filled up in no time.
There was a visitor all the way from Singapore, Ms Smitha Nayar, to the Open Studio on the 4th of June:
There was Vaishakha Kanji on 12th June at the Temple, where the residents came together to share a meal of rice gruel with jackfruit curry and chutney:
After a short break due to incessant rains the Sunday mural class  recommenced  today ,the 20th of June:
Panini is working on 'Dhanwantari'   and Kannan is trying out Krishna:

Anila is at the 'Flute Recital'. Soon to be joined by Dr Reghuraj:

There was a Kathakali Appreciation Class by Kalamandalam Manoj at Tiruvannur today at 5 pm :