Monday, September 6, 2010

''The Flute Recital'- a mural on Canvas-weekly update

The day began began with Rahul TR at the canvas. The recital is the final stages of completion..Rahul is attending to the black outline..Cheriyettan-ammaman..drops in to chat with Rahul...
One more visitor takes a moment to watch Rahul at work
Jishnu ,Pranav and Gokul(Kannan) are practising their lines..and shades
Shortly afterwards, Ms Reena comes in and joins Rahul..

Krishnamohan tries his hand with colour...
Last Sunday children participated in drawing images of Krishna as part of Janmastami celebrations.Some of them are displayed here in the auditorium:

Dinakumari Teacher walks in and takes stock of the progress:
Reena and Dinakumari Teacher decide to empty the pallette for the day before caling it a day.

Then, they both drop into the 'library' and take a close look at the another and earlier version of  'Flute Recital'    on    canvas by Sasi Edavarad.

They  observe each canvas done by Sasi Edavarad closely.