Sunday, October 10, 2010

'Flute Recital'' a mural in acrylic on canvas-a weekly update

Class begins as usual at 10 am. Anila is at the 'Recital'canvas.The bench is full and Panini walks in late.
Finding no place to sit on the bench, he walks to the canvas.Anila is giving finishing touches with black.She shows Panini, the sections that need attention.
Jishnu,Krishna Mohan,Aathira(new admission),Tejus,Rahul,Suraj and Sudev (L-R)are engrossed in their work:
Rahul is doing the pencil drawing for his new canvas.He plans to work on the feet today:
Sudev joins him to check.Rahul gets back to work:
Rahuls earlier drawings are on display today for the newcomers to copy from:

Some more pictures before the close of the  session: