The murals we create at Dhyanasankalpam , are not ephemeral like a live rendition of a song or a dance or even an Olympic Sport/event.
Murals are forever.They symbolise longevity and eternity.Murals are eternal.The oldest surviving murals are over 2000 years old.
They are works that you do not need to change every 2 years like do with your walls at home and work..or like... the gizmos you play with and throw away every 6 months.
The murals are non-negotiable and they cannot be traded-in, there is nothing to sell or buy..and precisely for that reason, it is pure art-satyagraha
So if you are a resident of Malabar-Kerala, please take time to drop in at the open-studio,register yourself as a volunteer, and participate in our forthcoming community mural projects.
pl call Sreekanth:0495-2330364 and 9961109770