Friday, February 26, 2010

the rasika (connoisseur)

Bharata talks of stylization (nâtyadharmi) and it is important that the rasika (connoisseur), sumana or the sahridaya (the empathetic perceiver) should understand the artistic conventions, have sufficient detachment and a balanced state of mind; as well as deep inclination to share what is being communicated. A work must be competently executed and hence the artist’s genius comes into the picture.
( art) cannot be appreciated by the novice. Training and inclination are very necessary…to realise the potentials of achieving supreme bliss or ânanda through her deep relish of a work of art which takes her to a higher plane. It is also important to note that in chitrakalâ (fine art), dance (nritya) and music (sangita), the role of the perceiver is considered very important. A common expectation runs through all the art forms – the necessary competence and inclination in the perceiver.